Episode 37 Sources: Halloween Listener Stories II

Happy (Belated) Halloween! In our second annual Halloween Listener Stories episode we will share (and debunk) three spooky stories that came to us from your fellow listeners! Has something similar happened to you? Do you have an explanation that we didn’t cover?  Let us know your thoughts! You can listen on Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcherGoogle PodcastsAmazon MusicPandora, or iHeartRadio.

Special thanks to Sophie, DJ, and Tyson for sharing their amazing stories!

Here is the sketch Sophie included with her story about the Monte Cristo Homestead.

Here are our sources:

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monte_Cristo_Homestead
  2. https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/topics/history-culture/2018/09/the-haunting-of-the-monte-cristo-homestead/  
  3. https://www.sciencefocus.com/science/strange-but-true-the-mystery-of-the-monte-cristo-homestead-and-the-supernatural-science-that-explains-it/
  4. https://www.science.org/content/article/illuminating-shadow-people-rev2
  5. https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/sleep-paralysis-terrifying-encounter-mind/

Halloween Listener Stories II

Happy (Belated) Halloween! In our second annual Halloween Listener Stories episode we will share (and debunk) three spooky stories that came to us from your fellow listeners! Has something similar happened to you? Do you have an explanation that we didn’t cover?  Let us know your thoughts! 

Special thanks to Sophie, DJ, and Tyson for sharing their amazing stories!

To see our sources for this episode, head to our website at www.spookysciencesisters.com. Hit subscribe to be notified of future episodes, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram (@SpookySciPod), TikTok (@SpookyScience), and Facebook (@SpookyScienceSisters) for even more spooky content! Help us grow by sharing with a friend and leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. You can also support the show further by buying us a “spirit”!

Spooky Science Sisters is a member of the Straight Up Strange Podcast Network.